Friday, June 30, 2023

How to get Free Shares?

How to get free shares?

For a limited time (offer expires 26 June 2023) Trading212 is offering free shares worth up to €100 if you successfully sign up using this link: 
(Naturally a minimum investment is necessary for the bonus).

Though I am not a financial advisor, and one should always be aware of the risks before investing, my personal experience with Trading212 has been a positive one.

So often the recommendations and advice for investing apps comes from an American POV, which is often less than helpful for those of us living in Europe. Trading212 allows anyone living in an EU country (and some outside the EU) to open an account and start trading. 

The list of current countries includes: United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany, the Netherlands, Austria, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Czech Republic, France, Spain, Slovakia, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Greece, Portugal, Hungary, Bulgaria, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Switzerland, Romania, Poland, Mexico, Honduras, Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, UAE, Qatar, Oman, Kuwait, Bahrain.

Another new benefit is that any money in your account but not actively invested still earns interest (better than most of the German banks TBH).

Some pros that I have experienced using Trading212 include:
- mobile app
- real time exchange
- huge amount of stocks to choose from
- available in Europe and for expats
- very easy navigation and comprehension
- fractional shares
- optional automatic pie investing

If you're already using Trading212, drop me a message below to let me know how your experience has been. Or if you have other platforms that you would recommend, please write that too, as I would be interested in researching other possibilities. 

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