Showing posts with label Beer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beer. Show all posts

Friday, March 17, 2017

Mikkeller Opening

Mikkeller Opening 

If you have visited Rosenthaler Platz in the past two years, you will have noticed that it has been a hive of construction and gentrification activity. I have lost count of the number of eateries and shops that have opened, since closed, been renovated and reopened as other business since living in the area.

Long overdue, the stretch along Torstrasse from St Oberholz to Schmittz is having a face lift and an abundance of new businesses are on the verge of opening their doors. 

It was unfortunate to see "Jean and Lily" homewares depart the area, but a new trendy-looking Deli has since taken its place. And the outdated "Fleischerei / Currywurst" dive is having a complete overhaul after lying vacant for at least 18 months. 

Then there is Torstrasse 102. A large commercial space that has been everything from Vintage clothes, to aethiest shoes, to outlets, and also vacant for more than 12 months. Suffering perhaps from being on the curve of Torstrasse, one has to be just that bit more adventurous to walk further away from Rosenthaler Platz to find it. And until now there has not been anything specific to lure people to the location.


Tomorrow 18.03.2017 the Grand Opening of "Mikkeller" will introduce residents and tourists alike to the assortment of Danish-brewed craft beer.

The friendly staff, builders and general manager have been working at an incredible pace to get the bar ready to receive thirsty Berliners on Saturday, and the work and design has indeed paid off.

A few progress pictures from their website give you an idea of how welcoming and astutely designed the place has been transformed:

For directions to Torstrasse 102, click here:

And to more information about their Grand Opening, have a look at their facebook page here:
One hopes that the venture is a success, and certainly we will be joining in the celebrations of the Grand Opening tomorrow afternoon to sample some of the Danish beers on offer. Prost!!


Sunday, June 1, 2014

Berlin Craft Bier Fest 2014


Quite by chance we found ourselves at the weekend at a beer festival - promoting local craft or micro-breweries.

It was held at the RAW-Gelände, Revaler Strasse in Friedrichshein, which we immediately recognised as one of berlin's famous nightclub and dance areas, which we hadn't ever visited during the day... It is located in a discarded Tram Depot near S-Bahnhof Berlin Warschauer Strasse, address Revaler Strasse 99 (Google Maps here)

Unfortunately the beer festival was only two days 30-31 May, however they have a website and I assume this festival takes place more often than once a year.

We only sampled a couple of beers with lunch, mainly because the wind and pollen was causing our hayfever to spiral out of control. But we tried a pale ale quite similar to an Australian wheat beer, and two local Potsdamer beers from Braumanufaktor.

Of the two Braumanufaktor beers we drank, I preferred the Hell (meaning light, as in colour clarity - don't be fooled, the alcohol content is the same as the weizen 4.8%).

However the best discovery of the day was actually a Londoner Pie maker (wow, that sounds dangerously close to Sweeney Todd) with a selection of meat and vegetarian pies. We all decided on the wild mushroom pies, which were delicious.

Obviously catering to expats, this company is suitably named "hello good pie" and their website They only started operating in 2013, and as they proclaim on their website, the flavours cater to a German pallet and naturally to the longing expat community. 

We will be looking out for Matthew Minch (chef) and his pies everywhere we go in Berlin now. Absolutely delicious!!