When the Berlin Wall fell in 1989 Potsdamer Platz was in the middle of No-Man's-Land and nothing remained of the 1920's bustling hotel, cabaret and film epicenter of Berlin. By the turn of the millennium, construction was a full 360 degrees of cranes, excavation and new architecture.
Potsdamer Platz 1900 - Image care of http://potsdamerplatz-office.de/ |
During divided Berlin - Image care of http://www.treffpunkt-berlin.eu/bilder/ |
During 2000 construction - Image care of http://potsdamerplatz-office.de/ | |
Today the Sony Centre (the giant tent like roof) houses one of the biggest cinema complexes, presenting the films in original language. (Usually Hollywood/Blockbuster, but also independent and British films). Like most western cinemas now, they also show films in 3D.
Potsdamer Platz today - Image care of www.stadtentwicklung.berlin.de/
As such, we continued the Post-Christmas tradition of going to see a Middle-Earth, Peter Jackson film - The Hobbit (2) - The desolation of Smaug. As rarely as I hear or use the word desolation, in German it is apparently EINÖDE - a word I had never come across in my study of german language.
(c) MJT
I wont write a review of the movie here, however I will say that we knew we would be buying into the franchise (and there were many moments that you could tell they were stalling for time), but that the scenes with and the animation of Smaug (the dragon) were fantastic.
(c) MJT |
But the main thing I wanted to share in this blog post is the effort that the Sony Centre go to in the outside/inner court. Currently it is dedicated to the Hobbit film, with Smaug hiding beneath the gold. Looks pretty cool, and was very apt given we were going to see the Hobbit anyway.
(c) MJT |
(c) MJT |
(c) MJT |
As for the Kino (cinema) itself, the link is
I would recommend going on Mondays and Tuesdays, as the prices are cheaper. However new releases are often months late (compared to the USA and Australia) and there aren't always as many viewings or convenient times.
Now to wait for the final installment, but will finish re-reading the book by then easily!
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